Closeup City Hall launch in metaverse
[ 2022 ]
Brand PR
We organized PR launch in support of Closeup Virtual City Hall of Love campaign (Mullenlowe Singapore) in USA, UK and Europe. The idea behind the campaign was to help couples who are still denied the right to marry due to their relationships. These include couples of inter-racial, inter-caste, inter-faith and same-gender relationships, many of which are still unacceptable in the eyes of key institutions.

Closeup, an oral care and toothpaste brand of Unilever built on closeness for over 50 years, has always believed in the freedom to love. And this time they entered the metaverse and invited couples to break free from real world constraints to celebrate their union in Decentraland, a 3D virtual world powered by blockchain technology. This was an immersive virtual experience where diverse couples can ‘mint’ their very own NFT marriage certificate and immortalise their love on the blockchain forever
Anticrisis strategy
for beauty retailer
[ 2021 ]
Anticrisis PR
Social media users accused famous beauty retailer of selling expired cosmetics. These accusations were followed up with artiles in the major media. We analyzed the degree of crisis and created several options of the anti-crisis strategy to client in order to neutralize the negative agenda
Novartis “Hands up”
[ 2021 ]
PR launch
To diagnose breast cancer at an early stage, you just need to raise your hand - perform the simplest gesture. But in Russia, 70% of women do not raise their hands often enough, which leads to sad consequences. Novartis together with the most popular reseller Lamoda created a special Lookbook with models with raised hands, which reminds women of the importance of diagnosing this disease.

To support the story we organised PR launch on the day of Moscow Fashion Week opening and urged the participants - influencers and fashion brands - to support the challenge and make a post with a raised hand. The campaign received numerous awards including gold at Effie.
Qatar Tourism Press office
[ 2020 - 2023 ]
Corporate PR
Despite the pandemic and closed borders we secured publications about Qatar and Qatar Tourism in top tier 1 Russian media (Reach - 659 mln, number of publications - 400) and created a big interest to the country as a new growing tourist destination

Once the borders were opened the guided trips to Qatar with the most influential journalists and KOLs from different areas - gastronomy, fashion, sport, culture, luxury lifestyle – gave the visitors the diverse experience of the country from the true experts.

Initially perceived as second Dubai, now Qatar is considered to be No1 destination in the Middle East overcoming Dubai in many aspects such as culture, authentic experiences and safety
Burger King Anti-crisis PR campaign
[ 2020 ]
Anti-crisis PR
Developed and realized Anti-crisis strategy and Situational marketing for Burger King during pandemic year that resulted in 80% increase in mentions and allowed brand to be ahead of the main rivals – KFC and MacDonald’s just after 1 month of work!
Durex “ Your health is your responsibility ”
[ 2020 ]
Social responsibility
Executed PR retainer for the Durex social responsibility campaign “ Your health is your responsibility ” with participation of micro influences, aiming to change the perception of people with Aids and importance of being responsible for your health.

The start of the campaign was given by famous blogger and artist Ekaterina Varnava who passed the HIV test and sent the challenge to the blogger another region - Vladivostok. And then to other cities of Russia. The finish of the action took place in Kazan with the local blogger, activist and psychologist Svetlana Izambaeva, who opened up about her HIV positive status.

More than 2916 outlets in federal and regional media covered the stor
More than 16 million media reach
3.5 million audience coverage of popular bloggers and activists
Durex - Open talks with Durex
[ 2020 ]
Brand PR/Event PR
To pre-heat the launch of new communication campaign and underline the importance of open conversations about sex we organized Durex Open talk in the frames of popular music festival VK Fest with participation of popular bloggers and sex experts
The discussion was hot and so were the questions!
Media Reach - 2 mln